Social Security Disability Representation

Applying for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Benefits

If you are considering making an application for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Benefits, call Attorney Charlie Hall at (336) 844-2870 or (888) 877-1401. Attorney Charlie Hall and his knowledgeable staff can help you determine if your injury, physical illness, or mental illness and the circumstances of your claim might qualify you for benefits. Attorney Charlie Hall and his office staff will take the time to discuss your claim with you and what evidence or information is needed to begin the application process; they will make you aware of any problems they identify that might prevent your claim from being awarded and discuss how to resolve those problems.

Attorney Charlie Hall and his office staff can help you make your application for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Benefits. They know what questions to ask and what information is needed to provide a complete application that supports your claim for benefits. While you can make an application for benefits without the assistance of an attorney, Attorney Charlie Hall believes that hiring an experienced attorney to assist you at this level of the process can improve your chance of success from the outset of your claim.

Attorney Charlie Hall works on a contingency fee basis when representing clients who are applying for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits. This means that Attorney Charlie Hall is only paid if you win your claim and receive your benefits.

Appealing the Denial of Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Was your claim for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Benefits denied? If you are appealing your denial of Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Benefits and would like to discuss your claim with an attorney before you appeal, call Attorney Charlie Hall at (336) 844-2870 or (888) 877-1401.
If your claim is denied following your initial application, you will receive a Notice of Disapproved Claim. You have 60 days from your receipt of this Notice to file an appeal. This appeal is called a request for reconsideration. If your claim is denied at the Reconsideration level, you will receive a Notice of Reconsideration; you have 60 days from your receipt of this Notice to file an appeal requesting a Hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge.

Unfortunately, more than half of the initial applications made by claimants are denied; the denial rate for requests for reconsideration is even higher. Despite the frustratingly high rate of denials at the initial and reconsideration levels of appeal, claimants should continue to appeal deserving claims; statistically, claimants have a higher chance of winning at a hearing in front of the Administrative Law Judge than at any other point in the disability claims process.

Attorney Charlie Hall and his office staff will assist you in filing an appeal of the denial of your benefits. They know what questions to ask, what information is needed on appeal, and they understand the deadlines that must be met. Attorney Charlie Hall and his office staff will take the time to discuss your claim with you and tell you what evidence or information is needed to proceed with your appeal; they will make you aware of any problems they identify that might prevent your claim from being awarded and discuss how to resolve those problems. While you can appeal your denial of benefits without the assistance of an attorney, Attorney Charlie Hall believes that hiring an experienced attorney to assist you at this level of the process can improve your chances of success.

Attorney Charlie Hall works on a contingency fee basis when representing clients who are appealing their denial of Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits. This means that Attorney Charlie Hall is only paid if you win your claim and receive your benefits.

Request for Hearing

A claimant has 60 days following the receipt of an unfavorable Notice of Reconsideration to Request a Hearing in front of the Administrative Law Judge. Although the wait for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge is lengthy, Attorney Charlie Hall believes that it is generally in the claimant’s best interest to Request a Hearing because it is at this level of the administrative process that the claimant’s statistical chance of winning their claim is greatest. If you are requesting a hearing or have a hearing scheduled in front of an Administrative Law Judge and would like to discuss your claim with an attorney before you appeal, call Attorney Charlie Hall at (336) 844-2870 or (888) 877-1401.

Attorney Charlie Hall and his office staff use the time waiting for your hearing to be scheduled to further develop and strengthen your claim for benefits, i.e., improve your chances of winning. He maintains frequent contact with his clients to update them on the progress of their claim, answer any questions or concerns, and makes sure he is fully developing the medical and other evidence that supports your claim. Attorney Charlie Hall will make you aware of any problems that might prevent your claim from being awarded and discuss how to resolve those problems; he will also request letters of support from treatment providers or other sources who have indicated their support of your claim. Prior to your scheduled hearing, Attorney Charlie Hall will meet with you to prepare you for your appearance before the Administrative Law Judge. He will have a detailed discussion with you about the legal matters in your claim, go over your testimony, prepare you for the Judge’s questions, and make you aware of what to expect during and after the hearing process. Attorney Charlie Hall will write a comprehensive brief that he submits to the Administrative Law Judge prior to your hearing; if there is any post-hearing work required, Attorney Charlie Hall and his office staff handle those matters or assist you in responding. If your claim is awarded, Attorney Charlie Hall and his office will continue to assist you until your benefits are started and you have received all the past due benefits that you are owed. If your claim is denied following an Administrative Law Judge hearing, Attorney Charlie Hall and his staff will discuss the denial with you in detail, answering your questions and helping you make an informed choice about whether or not to appeal your denial of benefits further.

Attorney Charlie Hall works on a contingency fee basis when representing clients at their hearings in front of the Administrative Law Judge. This means that Attorney Charlie Hall is only paid if you win your claim and receive your benefits.

Contact Us

Request a free consultation using our toll-free number: 336-844-2870





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    Where we are located:

    Attorney Charlie Hall
    1435 North Bridge Street
    Elkin, NC 28621

    Attorney Charlie Hall