Our Process in Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income Claims

Ms. Patton believes that each claim for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits is unique; therefore, Ms. Patton personalizes her representation to meet the needs of each individual client.

Initial Contact with Patton Law Offices

Ms. Patton encourages potential clients to call her office at 336-844-2870 or 888-877-1401 if they would like her to assist them with their claim in front of the Social Security Administration. You can also get into touch with Ms. Patton’s office through email at info@pattonlawnc.com or by visiting her office at 212 West Main Street, Elkin, NC 28621.

At the time of your initial contact Ms. Patton’s experienced staff will go over a short interview form with you; this allows her staff to determine what specific type of assistance you might need and if there are any deadlines that must be met to preserve your legal rights. This short interview also allows Ms. Patton and her staff to answer your questions and give you important information about our office and the Social Security disability claims process.

After we have completed this short interview and answered any questions you will receive a packet of information and forms to complete; once these forms are completed and returned Ms. Patton can proceed with assisting you in your claim. Clients have the option of mailing these forms back, returning the forms via email or dropping them off in person. We are always available to answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding the information requested in these forms and offer help when it is necessary.

How We Help You

Once you have returned the completed forms, including an Appointment of Representation form, Social Security Fee Agreement and the necessary information releases, Ms. Patton can officially sign on as your attorney. At that point we will make Social Security aware that Ms. Patton is representing you and start working towards a favorable resolution of your claim. Below are examples of how Ms. Patton and her staff assist you with your claim for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits once you have hired Ms. Patton to be your attorney:

  • We will help you complete your application for Social Security Disability benefits and file the claim for you. We can assist you with this process in person or over the phone.
  • We will complete the paperwork required to file an appeal if your Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income claim is denied at the Initial or Reconsideration levels of the process.
  • We will develop the evidence that supports your claim for benefits. This might include making Social Security aware of evidence or requesting that Social Security send you for medical evaluation. It also includes gathering medical, school and employment records and/or affidavits from witnesses that will form a basis for the evidence that supports your claim.
  • We will review your claim at various points throughout the process and suggest ideas that could strengthen your claim for benefits when appropriate.
  • We will request letters or statements that support your claim for Social Security Disability and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits from your medical or other providers when appropriate.
  • We will make Social Security aware of new developments or evidence in your claim that could favorably affect the outcome of your claim when appropriate.
  • Ms. Patton will meet with you and prepare you for your hearing in front of the Administrative Law Judge after that hearing is scheduled.
  • Ms. Patton will prepare a written brief that outlines the arguments that form the theory of your claim and summarizes the evidence that supports your claim for benefits for the Judge’s review.
  • Ms. Patton will represent you at the hearing and question any expert witnesses who might testify. Following the hearing Ms. Patton will answer your questions or concerns regarding the hearing, prepare any necessary post hearing arguments and collect any post hearing evidence needed.
  • We will keep you updated on the status of your decision following the hearing. We will discuss the outcome of your claim once we are aware of a decision; if the decision is favorable to you Ms. Patton and her staff examines your Notice of Award to make sure that there are no mistakes that could result in an underpayment or an overpayment of benefits to you.

If your claim is not approved after the hearing Ms. Patton will review your claim and discuss your options with you. She will explain your options so that you can make an informed decision. If you and Ms. Patton decide to proceed with an appeal to the Appeals Council Ms. Patton will prepare a written argument on your behalf, gather and submit any missing and/or relevant evidence and file the appeal when appropriate. It is important to note that Ms. Patton will represent clients at the Appeals Council level, even if she was not your representative at the hearing, and is happy to discuss filing an appeal with the Appeal Council with potential clients.

If your claim is not reversed or remanded at the Appeals Council level Ms. Patton will discuss the options you have at this level and explain those options so that you can make an informed decision about how you will proceed. If you and Ms. Patton decide to proceed with filing a complaint before the Federal District Court Ms. Patton and her staff will assist you in this matter. It is important to note that Ms. Patton will represent clients at this level of appeal, even if she was not your representative at the hearing, and she is happy to discuss the possibility of filing a Federal Court action with potential clients.

Ms. Patton recognizes that every case is different and that you need an attorney who will not treat you like a number. Ms. Patton and her staff recognize that the facts and circumstances of each case are unique. They will take the time to get to know you and learn about the specifics of your claim. Ms. Patton recognizes that the details do matter.

Ms. Patton and her staff are also committed to providing their clients with good customer service and are committed to answering your questions and/or returning your calls and emails in a prompt and efficient manner. You will deal directly with Ms. Patton and her experienced staff throughout your claim. Most importantly, Ms. Patton and her experienced staff will be on your side, committed to winning your claim and getting you the benefits you deserve.

Contact Us

Request a free consultation using our toll-free number: 336-844-2870





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    Where we are located:

    Attorney Charlie Hall
    1435 North Bridge Street
    Elkin, NC 28621

    Attorney Charlie Hall